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Stress vs Passion

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

I am currently reading Shannon Kaiser's "The Self-Love Experiment". It's not her newest book on the market, but that's what I love about books. They are timeless. She talks about finding love for herself. Like, real, true, unabashed love. A love like you would desire from a significant other or a love you would hope to feel for your partner. It's interesting because, at age fifty-ish, I thought I had that love for myself. Or, at least I hoped I did. Read the book. I bet there are areas in your life that you still self-sabotage or still beat yourself up about even if you think you totally love yourself. She touches on some great thoughts, but one thought that hit me upside the head was this: "Working hard for something we don't care about is stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion." - Simon Sinek.

Before 2020 and the dreaded Covid Pandemic, my mindset was money and more money. Work hard at whatever it is that makes the most income, then live your life after work. Isn't that what we are taught as Americans? I know in my family it was all about work till you die and spend everything you have because you can't take it with you.

I've been dealing with old beliefs that were either handed down to me, or ones I decided were absolute truth around money. John Assaraf has some great programs to help re-program our subconscious brain so we can be more successful and live the life we actually want to live. I would highly suggest it! Since September of 2021 I have been working on my personal relationship with money so I am super aware of how I respond to and apply this to my life. Awareness truly is the first step.

So, I left my healthcare job in 2020 and have embarked on a new and exciting journey of self-fulfillment and finding my passions. I love to write. I always have. I love to help others, especially those who are wanting to heal from past hurts and/or abuse. I have so much to say, yet never felt as if my voice mattered. (Long story short, read my memoir when it comes out. That explains it all.) Today, after making decisions to reduce stress and follow my purpose and passion, I can say that the key moments in my life were these: 1) I sold my salon and stepped out of being a partner in a business I no longer had a desire for, 2) I Finished my degree so I had control over my income that got us out of a financial hole (a very dark and ugly hole), 3) I quit my day job (there were many steps to this, the biggest was selling our dream home to get out of debt and live the life we truly wanted) and 4) I am now aware of stressors in my life and staying away from them. Far, far away from them.

I can honestly say, I no longer stress on things out of my control. When I start to feel anxious, I ask my self what the THRUTH is about what I am feeling. I acknowledge the lies I was believing (They are lies because they simply are not the truth). I see the problem for just that, a problem. I then walk through steps on how to solve the problem. It's also very important to focus on what you desire and not what you fear. Whatever you focus on expands, so focusing on the positive and desirable outcome is of the utmost importance.

I'm so glad I took bold steps that were no longer serving me (A career that was not fulfilling, friendships that were draining) and I now live to serve myself and my passions, which in turn serves others. I still work hard, just at things I actually care about. It feels great to live a less stressful life and concentrate on all of the things I desire, including writing and helping others through my past experiences. I highly suggest it. Your walk and your experiences will be different than mine but, the outcome

the same. Less stress and more passion. After all, who doesn't want more passion? Love to all and to all a good life.

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